Teeth whitening methods are only applied by dentists.

There are different techniques preferred for teeth whitening. However, all of these are done under the supervision of a dentist and are frequently preferred methods during smile design.

In order to apply the Home Bleaching technique, known as the home teeth whitening method, the patient’s teeth measurements are first taken. Plates that are exactly compatible with the patient’s teeth are prepared. Then, whitening gels are applied under the supervision of a dentist so that they can be applied inside these plates.
By keeping the plates on the teeth for only 5 to 7 hours, the appropriate whiteness ratio can be achieved on the person’s teeth.

Another teeth whitening method is the Office Bleaching technique, i.e. office-type teeth whitening. In this teeth whitening method, the procedure is only performed in a clinical environment.After the protective gel is applied to the teeth, the gel is frozen with the help of light. The desired appearance is achieved in an average of 20 to 40 minutes. However, depending on the color of the teeth, teeth whitening can be done in more than one session.