How Should the Natural Hairline Be in Hair Transplantation? Especially if the front hairline is to be recreated with hair transplantation, it is extremely important for it to look natural. In order to obtain a natural looking hairline;It is necessary to plan the line by opening channels in a scattered manner rather than a straight …

How Should the Natural Hairline Be in Hair Transplantation?

Especially if the front hairline is to be recreated with hair transplantation, it is extremely important for it to look natural. In order to obtain a natural looking hairline;
It is necessary to plan the line by opening channels in a scattered manner rather than a straight line. Thin and single hair containing grafts should be placed in the front and thick and 2-3 hair containing grafts should be used towards the back. In addition, the experience of the team is important in opening the channel at the right angle.

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