Causes of Hair Loss in Women; The causes of hair loss in women can be genetic, as well as seasonal or environmental effects in special periods such as pregnancy and menopause.Pregnancy and birth have great effects on the female body. One of these effects is hair loss. This situation, which can occur after or during …

Causes of Hair Loss in Women;

The causes of hair loss in women can be genetic, as well as seasonal or environmental effects in special periods such as pregnancy and menopause.
Pregnancy and birth have great effects on the female body. One of these effects is hair loss. This situation, which can occur after or during birth, is mostly tolerated by the body later. It is very important to get pregnant under the supervision of a doctor and to eat right in order not to experience hair loss due to pregnancy and birth.
Menopause is another difficult process for women, hair loss increases during this period when the body experiences very intense hormonal changes, and in some women it can bring about serious hair problems that are irreversible.

Stress, age, products used, seasonal changes, nutrition and various diseases also have significant effects on hair loss. Vitamin deficiencies and problems such as anemia, which is frequently encountered in women, are also among the factors that cause women’s hair loss.
Hair loss that occurs due to hormonal or metabolic reasons can mostly be corrected with a treatment aimed at eliminating the cause, but hair transplantation is recommended for women for hair loss that is not caused by hormonal or metabolic problems.

Can Hair Transplantation Be Performed on Women?
It is useful to clarify the various speculations that have emerged on this subject. First of all, it should be noted that hair transplantation does not discriminate between genders. In other words, hair transplantation can be performed on women as well. However, the point we need to underline here is this; the factor that affects the success of hair transplantation operations is not gender, but the type and cause of hair loss.

How successful is hair transplantation in women?
The success rate of hair transplantation for women is high as long as they are considered good candidates and treated by an experienced doctor. In order for a female to be a suitable candidate, she must have sufficient healthy donor hair follicles that can produce normal growth and thickness in the long term.
According to widespread global medical research, women who are experiencing thinning will not be considered candidates. Women who experience hair loss due to tight pulling hairstyles (i.e. traction alopecia) will usually have plenty of healthy grafts to use elsewhere. For hormonal issues that cause hair loss, a doctor may recommend medication to help better manage the condition. Genetics can also play a critical role in your hair loss. When in doubt, see a trained professional to properly diagnose your hair loss symptoms. Deciding on this issue on your own will not produce a healthy result. Hair transplantation in women can be considered a very successful operation if performed by a specialist doctor and with the right procedure.

Reasons for Hair Transplantation in Women;
Male-type hair loss seen in women: It is a genetic type of hair loss that usually starts in the front hairline and the top of the head. The nape area is strong and less prone to hair loss.
Regional hair loss: These are round hair loss that occurs suddenly and occurs in any part of the head due to an acute condition or various diseases such as ringworm. If new hair growth is not observed within a year, hair transplantation can be performed.
Opening of the front hairline: These are cases where the front forehead line is more open than it should be or opens later.
Hair loss due to scars, burn scars: In these cases that occur after various injuries and accidents, the hair in the area where the wound or burn is located has lost its ability to grow again.
“In cases not caused by hormonal and metabolic problems, hair transplantation in women can be a successful and permanent method in eliminating the negative consequences of hair loss.”
Apart from the above situations, whether hair transplantation will be successful in hair loss in women is a situation that should be decided by the doctor after consulting with the patient and performing a hair and hair loss analysis.

Why is Hair Transplantation Not Recommended for Female Pattern Loss?
The most important reason that makes hair transplantation difficult in female pattern loss is that hair loss is distributed equally on the hair surface in women. Donor area problems are also experienced in non-regional hair loss. Hair analysis in women should be planned very well so that the transplanted hair does not fall out again and does not disrupt the aesthetic integrity of the area used as the donor area.
“The most important stage of hair transplantation in women is hair analysis and planning of hair transplantation”
As a result; depending on the type of hair loss, hair transplantation can be performed in women and successful results can be obtained.

If you are experiencing hair loss that will negatively affect your psychology or daily life, consulting a hair transplant doctor and having a hair analysis will provide you with the most accurate information about the treatment.