Exosomes have begun to be used in the field of improving hair health and supporting hair formation with their restructuring and repairing effects.

Various “in vitro” studies have been conducted showing that they can increase the proliferation of dermal papilla cells, hair matrix cells and outer root sheath cells that provide hair production, and that they can provide the proliferation of hair root cells.
There are a wide variety of human, plant and animal sources that can be used to produce exosomes. Although exosomes are more commonly found in mammalian cells, recent studies have also obtained exosomes from fruits such as grapefruit, grapes, carrots and salmon. Scientific studies show that bovine milk can also be a good source of exosomes.
Exosomes have emerged as a “potential” supportive application option for hair loss with their regenerative (restorative, renewing) and immune-boosting properties.
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