Closed sinus lifting is a technique applied in cases where the bone height in the person’s jawbone is 4 to 5 mm or less.
Closed sinus lifting is a technique applied in cases where the bone height in the person’s jawbone is 4 to 5 mm or less.
The closed sinus lifting technique, which is applied under local anesthesia, is performed with a special tool known as an osteotome.
During the application, the sinus floor is broken and the sinus is lifted. After the sinus is lifted, bone powder is placed in the resulting space and the procedure is completed. The closed sinus lifting technique is performed with a magnetic malet tool, which is a more modern and technical tool today. In this way, the procedure can be performed more safely.
With this technique, implant treatment can usually be performed at the same time. You can contact LENA HEALTH GROUP for more detailed information about implant treatment and sinus lifting techniques.